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  5. How To Boost Self-Esteem Living With Incontinence

How To Boost Self-Esteem Living With Incontinence

We get it, incontinence can be difficult to manage - and not just physically. But it doesn't have to hold you back!  We're here to share tips to boost your self-esteem and help you live your most epic life.

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How To Boost Self-Esteem Living With Incontinence
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Self-esteem can take a bit of a hit when dealing with leaks. Here's why:

  • Worrying about accidents in public (been there, done that with forgetting gym shorts on laundry day!)
  • Feeling like there's something "wrong" (there's not! You're awesome!)
  • Not wanting people to know about your "secret weapon" (incontinence products, that is!)
  • Thinking everyone's judging (they're probably more worried about their own stuff!)
  • Being concerned about smells (most products take care of that these days!)

But hold on a sec!

Just because you have incontinence doesn't mean you're any less amazing! You deserve to feel happy and confident, leaks or no leaks.

Here are some tips to help you rock that self-esteem, so stay tuned!

If you need mental health support, SOS Amitié can be called on 09 72 39 40 50. They are available 24/7 and can be contacted through various means, including phone and online chat. For any emergencies call 112.

Positive affirmations for self-esteem

Positive affirmations are basically like magic spells for your brain. They're awesome statements you say to yourself to crush negative thoughts and boost your confidence.

They help you challenge those not-so-nice things you might be thinking and feeling.

These affirmations are super personal, but here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

  • "I am loved"
  • "My worth isn't defined by incontinence"
  • "I am a caring, thoughtful person”
  • "I am confident and can overcome any challenges"
  • "My body is amazing, and I'm grateful for it”

Here's the trick: pick a time each day when you can focus on yourself, and say these affirmations out loud and clear, like a superhero practising their secret moves! Do this for at least 3 weeks to really feel the magic work.

Want to take it up a notch? Write your affirmations on sticky notes and plaster them everywhere you see - bathroom mirror, desk at school, even your skateboard! You can even record yourself saying them or find awesome affirmation podcasts to listen to whenever you need a pick-me-up.

Remember, you are amazing, and these affirmations are your secret weapons to rock that self-esteem!

Surround yourself with supportive people

Surround yourself with people who make you feel like a million bucks!
Seriously though, having a crew of positive peeps who love and support you is a total self-esteem booster.

Ditch the drama queens and find the friends who hype you up and make you laugh!

Bonus points: being around awesome people can actually make you feel less stressed and anxious, and even more confident and trusting. Science says so! [1]

Feeling a little lonely? No worries! There are tons of ways to find your squad.

Check out community groups, clubs, or even apps designed to connect like-minded people. Get out there and socialise, even if it feels scary at first. Trust us, it's worth it! You've got this!

Give yourself small challenges

Feeling stuck at home because of leaks?

Here's the thing: you CAN totally conquer those fears and get back to doing the things you love, like grabbing coffee with a friend or chilling in the park.

It's normal to feel nervous, but remember, you're way braver than you think! Here's a trick: start small. Worried about a cafe outing? Invite your friend over for coffee at your place first.

Feeling brave? Try a nearby cafe for takeout!

Baby steps are your BFF when it comes to crushing these fears.

The same goes for anything - social events, exercise groups, you name it. Just keep putting in the effort, and watch those challenges become total victories. You got this, superstar!

Speak with a health professional

Still feeling a bit down after trying these tips? Hey, it happens! Sometimes you just need some extra support and that’s okay.

Talking to a doctor, counsellor, or psychologist is totally normal and not at all a sign of weakness. These people can create a personalised plan to help you feel your best, whether it's physical treatment for leaks or mental health tips to boost that confidence.

Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength!

Here are some French resources that might be helpful (don't worry, they won't judge!):

  • Fil Santé Jeunes - Call 39 19 (available Monday-Friday 9am-8pm) for confidential advice and support for young people. 
  • SOS Amitié - Call 09 72 35 44 44 (available 24/7) for confidential emotional support.
  • Centre National d'Appui aux Victimes - Call 116 006 (available 7 days a week) for support if you've experienced trauma.

And remember, in case of emergencies, always call 112.

You are strong and capable, and there are people who care and want to help.

Choose products you can trust

Feeling stressed about leaks or odours when you're out and about? We get it, it can be a self-esteem buster at times.

But here's the good news: having the right gear can totally change the game. That's where Nundies products come in!

Our awesome products feature this cool triple-threat absorbency tech that sucks up leaks fast, keeps you dry all day, and comes with up to 12 hours of odour lock.

Basically, you can worry less about leaks and odours, and focus more on feeling confident.

About the Author: Gabriella Del Grande

Having begun her career as a journalist, Gabriella has been weaving words to create engaging and educational content for over a decade. Gabriella loves to write insightful pieces that empower readers to take control of their health and wellbeing so they can live their lives to the fullest. Along with crafting articles, Gabriella has an eye for design, producing and overseeing visual content from short-form Instagram reels and TikToks to long-form brand campaigns and video series.

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